K- You're talking about the underwear, right?
S- What?
K- Hipster. You're talking about the underwear, yes?
S- No.
K- Really? Wow.
S- I'm scared to ask what you thought that whole 'hipster racism' conversation was about.
K- It wasn't about racist underwear?
S- No, the hipsters I was talking about are a kind of American. Or they're mostly American. Or something. I'm not really sure what they are.
K- You talk about Americans way too much. I bet Americans don't talk about you half as much as you talk about them.
S- I can't help it, I'm Indian. I love talking about how cultureless and depraved America is but I will sell my children for the chance to go there and work in a convenience store.
K- India clearly needs more convenience stores.
S- Anyway, I want to know about these hipster people. Because apparently, they say racist things but they say those things because they're NOT racist. Isn't that interesting?
K- Not as interesting as replacing the word 'racist' with 'slow jogger'. Let's do that!
S- I mean, how are we supposed to know these hipsters are not racists?
K- 'I mean, how are we supposed to know these hipsters are not slow joggers?' Hey, that's neat!
S- Maybe they have some kind of special ID.
K- Who cares? We live in India! Who cares about slow jogger underwear Americans?
S- But what if one of them came here?
K- They'll get loose motion and go home.
S- Oh my God.
K- What?
S- I just remembered this show I saw where they described a dance as having very loose motion.
K- Oh my God.
S- I know! I couldn't watch the rest because 'loose motion' seemed to be a very popular way of describing this particular form of dance. Anyway, I'm going to go figure out this hipster racism thing.
K- Please do. American hipster racism is such a flabbergastingly serious problem in India.
S- Maybe you can't appreciate the awesomeidiosyncrasy of American hipster racism because you're Indian. Let me Indianize it for you.
K- Let me guess. You're going to neatly replace 'racism' with 'casteism'. Because racism and casteism are EXACTLY the same.
S- Yes.
K- Are you on drugs? Seriously, are you?
S- Look, what would you do if an American hipster came here and said something racist to you and you retaliated because you didn't know that person was actually not racist?
K- I wouldn't retaliate at all. I'd shake them down for money.
S- What?
K- Seriously, I do that to all the foreigners I meet.
S- Even the NRIs?
K- Especially the NRIs.
S- Let me guess. You sell them those yellow cloth bags for twelvtythousand rupees.
K- That's so Old Skool. I sell them pieces of extremely low quality paper and say it's handmade by Indian slum children who have no hands.
S- That is so wrong.
K- It really is, considering that the paper actually comes from cheapud half-quire note.
S- The low quality paper probably makes it more authentically Indian.
K- One time I told this guy that I had sold my kidney and needed money to buy it back. I even showed him a scar.
S- Oh, that's good.
K- Yeah, that was awesome because the scar was actually on my arm. But it all worked out in the end.
S- I think being mean to foreigners and NRIs is racist.
K- I think being mean to foreigners and NRIs is a slow jogger!
S- These conversations are racist.
K- These conversations are a slow jogger!
S- I think I should go.
K- Are you coming back?
S- No. Are you?
K- No.
S- okbai.
K- okbai.
an edited version of this appeared in The New Indian Express Zeitgeist Supplement, Multiverse, Conversations, July 31, 2010
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