Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This post is not about burning Injuns in Australia. It's about the show. I’m almost finished watching Oz. I think I will shelve this among the shows I can watch once but probably not twice. So before I forget about the show and end up watching it all over again because I forgot I watched it already, here is Oz- Oru Pinnoki Payanam.

The Orange Prize- It seemed to me that everyone in Oz is always eating oranges. Adebisi liked to bite them like apples while Schillinger seemed to enjoy neatly peeling them, popping a piece into his mouth and chewing thoughtfully. There just seemed to be a lot of oranges in Oz.

Best Scene EverEverEver- Beecher and Schillinger singing The Last Duet . They both sing really well together and it’s a great song and it’s so very appropriate. If I remember Oz for anything, it will be for this song. Also Father Mukada’s cover of Leather by Tori Amos is awesome.

Fully Monty Award- Just like Queer as Folk showed us that all gay men are really haut when they are naked, Oz showed us that men in maximum-security prisons in America are well-muscled, mostly hairless, have great skin and for the most part, are reasonably well-endowed. Men who were not haut kept their shirts and pants on. Yay Oz!!

Magic Scar Award- To Miguel Alvarez, whose scar on his cheek was sometimes a thin line and sometimes a thick line and sometimes not there at all. He would qualify for all-round hottie if he hadn’t done that shit-smearing thing when he was in solitary. EEEEWWWW!!!

Awesome Hottie Award- Agamemnon Busmalis, particularly because during one season, you could see him speed walking in the background of a lot of scenes. Epic lulz.

Oh Wtf Sigh Award- The Chinese immigrants storyline. Just so oh wtf sigh.

Imprint Torture Scene Award- When Robson gets raped with a spoon.

Adebisi’s Hat Award- Goes to the Mayor from The Powerpuff Girls

Hey Look, It's Pepa! Award- Goes to Pepa from Salt n' Pepa who didn't really do much on the show but still made me go Hey Look, It's Pepa!


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